Hello! I am a child of God, wife, mom, artist, blogger and lover of the country/farm life. My husband Thomas and I have been married for 26 years and have four beautiful children…1 son, 3 daughters, and a soon-to-be daughter-in-law. We have been homeschooling for 18 years now, and are nearing the end of this particular journey. I love helping and encouraging moms in this amazing, wild, challenging, character-building, beautiful, sometimes messy life we call being a wife & mom. It’s our highest calling!

We are currently in the season of life where we have 2 young adults, 2 high schoolers, and will be adding a daughter-in-law in a few months. Thomas and I are now able to look back over the baby, toddler, child, and teen years and definitely say: What you put in to those children are what you will get back out. The relationship you have with them as adults are worth every sacrifice you made when they were children. Nothing brings us greater joy than seeing them follow God, love each other, and place a high value on family and relationships.

If you are still reading, then I’ll tell you one last thing before you jump into my blog posts: They are real and sometimes raw. I’m not a fan of fake, sugar-coated, or dumbed-down material so that it doesn’t offend anyone. The most encouraging thing for me as a wife and mom is when a friend just gives it to me straight. The joys, the challenges, and all the messy things in between. I then know I’m not alone, and that it is possible to improve and overcome challenges. I have worked in our church’s youth ministry for years, and the reason I love teens so much is they want adults to be real, to be straightforward (but with kindness), to lead by example, and to not treat them like children. If you prefer this type of communication, too, then come join me as we pursue God, family life, hospitality, building relationships, a little creativity, and the country lifestyle!